Ground Rules

Some thoughts on ground Rules for the Event

1. Be present. This means you should not be accessing laptops or phones during any of the conversations. And as far as possible cut yourself off from all but the most urgent outside distractions!

2. Trust and Respect others.  Trust that all those present have their own powerful motivations to be there. Respect all views, even though they might not be the same as yours - they are a valid reflection of other's views not in the room

3. Action Focus: While the conversations can and should go wherever we wish to take them we need to finally come back to think about what specific actions we and SIETAR need to take.

4. Be kind.  This topic has the potential to raise difficult topics which can lead to disagreement or even hurt. While many of the group have worked together before many of us do not know each other.  There will be many styles of communication and levels of engagement - but we are Interculturalists and as such should be able to manage! 

5. Listen more, talk less:  This probably is obvious but does need to be stated. Through listening we learn more. The group will contain many talkers - those who are most inclined to talk need to be most aware of the need to listen. Remember that not every idea that enters your head needs to be expressed!

6. Use of English:  The main language for these conversations will be English. We will have a mix of native English speakers and people for whom English is a second language. While most of the latter group have very high levels of English it is important that the native speakers do not fall into colloquial usage or speak too fast. This is again based on past experience where feedback was given that some of the native speakers used language forms which even the most experienced non-native English speakers struggled with.

7. Speak up (understanding).  Don't assume you are the only one who is struggling to understand a topic or thread of conversation.  If you are lost in any way speak up.

8. Speak up If the conversation is any way causing you a problem either because of content or for any other reason please speak up. See 9 below also.

9. Care for each other. Please be aware of others feelings in the conversation. Not everyone will want to speak up.  This is a tough topic and some of us may find things upsetting or emotional from time to time.  

10. No Selling  This is probably not necessary to state but it is worth recording so all attending understand: this event is an opportunity to share and learn from each other.  It should not be used as an opportunity to sell any service or skill to the participants.

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